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The Dynamics 365 Mobile Apps Guide

The Dynamics 365 Mobile Apps Guide
Zunehmend mehr Unternehmen setzen auf mobile Applikationen, um die Produktivität im Unternehmen zu steigern. Der größte Vorteil ist wohl, dass das mobile Endgerät fast immer griffbereit ist. Mittlerweile ersetzen Smartphones oder Tablets sogar Aufgaben, die früher nur an einem Computer zu erledigen waren. Microsoft ist sich dessen Trend bewusst und baut die mobilen Applikationen für Dynamics 365 stetig weiter aus. Die Lücke an Features zwischen dem traditionellen Web Client (CRM über einem Browser am Desktop) und den mobilen Applikationen wird immer kleiner – Stichwort Unified Interface. Zwischen den unterschiedlichen Endgeräten soll es visuell und funktionell in Zukunft fast keine Unterschiede mehr geben. Deshalb ist es wichtig einen Überblick über die mobilen Möglichkeiten für Microsoft Dynamics 365 zu behalten.

Advances of Dynamics 365 Mobile

1. mobile access to your data records

It is possible to access and edit all data records. Sales opportunities can be opened before a meeting with the customer. Ideal for field service staff.

2. personalized action hub

When the application is started, the Action Hub provides the user with important information. Routine tasks can be performed more efficiently thanks to the hub. It offers an overview of the most recently accessed records and allows you to pin important records to quickly reopen them.

3. notes

Edit or add notes to records quickly and easily. Written or in audio format.

4th Relationship Assistant

The Relationship Assistant is a new integrated AI functionality in Dynamics 365, available via the mobile app. The Assistant keeps track of all actions and communication with your customers. You can analyze the data and display action cards to take immediate measures.

5. offline synchronization

An important function of the mobile app is offline access. Technicians often work in places without an Internet connection or network coverage. Offline features can store data locally and synchronize it with the online database when the user reconnects to a network.

Process management with Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Mobile Applications for Dynamics 365

There are two versions of the Dynamics 365 mobile App from Microsoft.

  • Dynamics 365 for Phone (Android/iOS)
  • Dynamics 365 for Tablets (Android/iOS/Windows 10)

These applications will be discussed in detail in our blog article. The applications do not differ much in the presentation of the CRM. However, the content is displayed differently on the smaller phone screens than on the larger tablet screens.

In addition, there is a mobile app that was specially developed for Dynamics 365 for Field Service. Responsible for the development of the app was Resco. Meanwhile, there is an official partnership between Resco and Microsoft, so Microsoft is actively involved in the further development of the application.

The app is called „Field Service Mobile“ and is only available to users who have the corresponding Dynamics 365 license. Either a Dynamics 365 for Field Service license or a Customer Engagement Plan.

In the long run, the functionalities will probably be integrated into the standard app and eventually replace the field service app.

Finally the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook. This is actually not a stand-alone application. It is only used in combination with Outlook. Records from the CRM can be displayed in a small window within the Outlook client. Since it is possible to open Outlook and the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook via the mobile browser, we list it for the sake of completeness.

Also worth mentioning are the mobile applications for Microsoft PowerApps and PowerBI. The PowerBI App offers the possibility to access the Common Data Service and thus visually process data from the CRM. With PowerApps, however, it is possible to create smaller apps according to the modular principle, which can also be used within Dynamics 365.

The download of the Mobile Dynamics 365 Apps

Usually, the App Store of the operating system should be the main download source. However, it is possible that certain restrictions apply to the download of applications for company devices. In this case, the IT department must approve the app download.

Prerequisites To Use the Mobile Dynamics 365 Apps

The prerequisite for use is a supported device and a corresponding security role that allows using Dynamics 365 on a mobile operating system.

A list of supported devices can be found here: What is supported

In general, the requirements for smartphones and tablets look as follows:

  • iOS from version 10
  • Android from version 4.4
  • Windows Tablet from version 10

For users to be able to use Dynamics 365 mobile, they must have the appropriate security role. At least one security role assigned to the user must have the following security attribute.

Configuration of the Dynamics 365 App

First, a connection to the organization must be established.

  • Open the app on your mobile device
  • Wait a moment until you are asked to enter the organization's URL.
  • Type in the URL in the following format „https://organizationname.crmregion“. The organization name is the unique name of your organization and a region is a number depending on where the server is located. Europe, for example, has 4 and Japan 7.
  • Click on continue.
  • Afterward, you will be asked for your credentials. Enter these accordingly and click on continue.
  • You will then see a welcome page.

Once the login is complete, you will receive an overview of the available applications. In addition, the applications must also be enabled for the corresponding security roles. This will be explained in detail later in this article.

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Basic Settings of the Mobile Dynamics 365 App

There are basic settings that affect the user experience regardless of the individual applications. First click on the three dots at the bottom right and then on the settings. The personal settings are similar to those that the user has in the web client. However, they are somewhat "slimmed down". The number of data records displayed can have an impact on performance if many data records are loaded in one view. In the mobile settings, you can set how the application interacts with the device.

Configuration of the access for the user

Two configurations are important for the user to be able to use Dynamics 365 effectively on the field.

  1. Security role with the corresponding security role attribute: As described in the Prerequisites section, the user must be assigned a security role that has the security role attribute "Dynamics 365 for mobile".
  2. Assignment of the security role(s) to the modular applications that can be used mobile. Below is an explanation of what is meant by modular applications.

Modular applications with the Unified Interface

With Dynamics 365 Version 8.2, Microsoft has released the App Designer, which allows system customizers to create modular apps in CRM. In a modular app, components are grouped into one area of CRM and non-relevant areas are hidden. The following components can be added:

  • Entities
  • Forms
  • Views
  • Dashboards
  • Business process flows

Each modular app has its own sitemap so users can have a personalized user experience. The default sitemap can make the user interface confusing as long as the end-user only uses a small area of the CRM. Creating a modular app can help.

With Dynamics 365 Version 9.0 Microsoft has released the new Unified Interface, which unifies the user interface between the different devices. All adjustments made to the user interface apply to all devices. In the future, App Designer will only support the Unified Interface.

Add a Security Role to an Application

Before the mobile work can start, it is necessary to assign a security role to the modular applications. This can be done in the Web Client as well as in the mobile application. Below is a tutorial based on the Web Client. A prerequisite is a user with the system administrator role.

  1. Click on Settings and "My Apps
  2. Click on the three dots and "Manage Roles"
  3. Select the security roles and save the selection.

After that, nothing stands in the way of mobile working!


With the App Designer and the Unified Interface, it has become easier to make the system available and customize it for mobile use. Some of the settings that used to be necessary to be able to use the system mobile seem to have no influence on the availability. The "Enable for mobile" checkmark on entity level for example.

We hope that this article has made it easier for you to switch to mobile working. If you have any further questions, our team will be happy to help!

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